What is it?
A 2 hours 30 mins lecture by Looch, with performances, discussions, questions etc.
It contains a number of routines and all are explained very well. For those not familiar with the format, you pay for what was a live event and you can download the full lecture and watch/stream whenever you want. The general quality of the lectures is great! Let's look in a bit more detail.
Why this instead of similar products?
Comparing this to ebooks or downloads - you get a LOT of material for the price of one (or less than one) ebook that may contain one effect. You get to see them all performed and explained, with people asking questions. It's great.
Comparing this to DVD releases - I like this format, the routines are varied and very thorough - and it's longer than most DVDs. You get different material here too, discussions questions etc.
Comparing this to live lectures - you get a recording of this, you don't have to make notes and you even get with Looch specifically, a PDF download to help with one of the routines.
To compare this to other Penguin Live lectures, i believe that a lot of the lectures i have downloaded contain some good material with some not so good material. Looch has filled this with all winners, nothing sticks out, it all makes sense and makes for a wonderful evening's viewing. A lot of typical material from other lectures is completely obvious to me, and i would be hesitant performing it for real people. I am not sure if this is a case of American audiences letting things go more easily, or if it is the fact that the other performers meant their effects to entertaining rather than baffling, i don't know!
Either way, Looch's material is some of the strongest i have viewed in a number of categories. It's all pretty easy, it's cheap - no real props, it's clever, you can perform close up or on stage, it's really good.
Does it work?
Yes - he shows you live in front of the lecture audience. There are a couple of pieces that are based on ideas rather than effects but they work.
You could watch this and go out and perform a number of routines that would be very entertaining for an audience.
How adaptable is it?
This is difficult to answer because it covers so much material. You can do the majority of it close up, you could do it on stage. You can add little pieces of routines in to other effects (I have). For the price, you will be able to fit an idea in somewhere.
How is it as a package?
Perfect! Some people complain about the audio of the audience questions on the Penguin Live lectures but this is a non issue for me, you can make it out, and people repeat the questions anyway.
I think this series benefits from having a compere or host at times, it keeps things on track and they can go back over things if needed. It's a great set up.
The download is of excellent quality and is very easy to watch.
If i were to list everything included, I would miss something and wouldn't do the whole package justice, it's more than just effect, explanation repeated (unlike some others).
There is material from 4.8 which i own and his other books and releases (some of which i own), a nice mix. Having both versions of some effects brought them to life much more than just on paper, so if you own some of Looch's work, i still think it worth picking this up.
He likes to create S.A.D. effects, simple and direct - this is the case throughout it all!
Right from the start it is very high quality and stays this way for 2.5 hours.
Highlights are Hollow
Rock, paper, scissors (for some nice thinking)
The card work is great
(While watching the lecture again to review, i notice that i am listing everything down as a highlight, I will stop this, you should buy it)
Will I use it?
Yes - the sheer volume of content makes this invaluable
If I lost everything, would I get it again?
I would absolutely get this again, 100%. This is one of the best items i have purchased in a long time (there are 2 or 3 other lectures that are great too)
The more i try to think about breaking down the price to make this valuable, the more i want to include. You could watch this just to see how Looch performs and learn from that rather than the actual methods and get your money's worth.
Fantastic! I can't rate this enough.
If you have any suggestions for reviews please get in touch at:
I can't guarantee I will get a chance to review everything but I will do my best!
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